The Town Meeting is called in advance of election dates to allow ample time for filing candidate petitions, typically no later than early December. A quorum at the Town Meeting is the lesser of 10% of the entire vote cast for all candidates for village president in the last general election or 50. Each voter in attendance is entitled to cast one vote for each vacancy to be filled. Voting is by written secret ballot. Cumulative voting is not permitted. Voting occurs during the hours announced by the Civic Betterment Committee.
Glen Ellyn residents may also vote early on several dates at the Glen Ellyn Civic Center or at location(s) to be announced prior to the Town Meeting.
When residents vote, whether early or at the Town Meeting, identification is checked and an affidavit is signed by the voter to assure that only Glen Ellyn residents vote. The affidavit certifies that the voter is a citizen of the United States, 18 years of age or older, and has resided within the incorporated Village of Glen Ellyn limits for at least 30 days prior to the date of the Town Meeting.
The principal business of the Town Meeting is nominating candidates for village and library office and election of CBC officers and nominating committee members.
Candidate speeches are limited to three minutes for library board candidates and five minutes for village president and village trustee candidates. Speeches are given by candidates in reverse of the ballot order. Ballot order is drawn at random.
No campaign materials besides the Civic Betterment Committee brochure are allowed at the Town Meeting. No candidate campaign materials will be allowed in the Civic Center nor within 100 feet of the Town Meeting site.
All ballot collection boxes are in the back of Wiedner Auditorium at the Civic Center. While balloting is open, all candidates remain in Clayton North, or in the designated seating area in Wiedner Auditorium.
Traditionally, members of the League of Women Voters of Glen Ellyn have graciously assisted CBC by tabulating votes. CBC members tabulate election results for CBC officers and nominating committee members.
Vote tabulation typically begins at approximately 1 pm. Each candidate is allowed to have one poll watcher in the tabulation room during the vote counting process, if desired. This is not mandatory and is at the discretion of each candidate. The poll watchers may not participate in, nor interfere with, the vote counting. Once the poll watcher enters the counting room, he or she must remain in the room until all ballots are counted.
The CBC President appoints three election judges—traditionally supplied by the League of Women Voters—to count and certify the results of the elections. The results are announced at the Civic Center at the conclusion of the tabulation. The Town Meeting is adjourned after the announcement of results.
For those selected to be Civic Betterment Committee Village Trustee/Village President candidates:
- The CBC assists in filing certification of the candidate’s nomination with the Village Clerk.
- The statement is accompanied by the candidate’s statement of candidacy, which the CBC prepares for the candidate’s signature.
- The statement is also accompanied by a receipt from the County Clerk certifying that the candidate has filed the required Statement of Economic Interest, which the CBC supplies to the candidate and which the candidate must complete and mail to the County Clerk.
- The CBC obtains nominating petitions, helps circulate them for signatures, and assists candidates in filing these with the Village Clerk by the filing deadline.
For those selected to be Civic Betterment Committee Library Trustee candidates:
- The CBC assists in filing the candidate’s Statement of Candidacy-Nonpartisan with the Village Clerk. The CBC prepares the statement for the candidate’s signature
- The CBC obtains nominating petitions and sees that they are signed by “at least 50 qualified voters”, and also assists in filing these with the Village Clerk.
- The filing must be accompanied by a receipt from the County Clerk that the candidate has filed the required Statement of Economic Interest, which the CBC supplies to the candidate and which the candidate must complete and mail to the County Clerk.
If Civic Betterment Committee candidates are opposed in the general election, the CBC will support them, publicize their candidacy, and campaign for their election.
Those who are victorious in the general election will be sworn into office.