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Karen Volk

Biography: In 2019, Glen Ellyn voters elected me to serve as a Glen Ellyn Library Board Trustee; currently I am Glen Ellyn Library Treasurer.   It has been my honor to ensure that the Glen Ellyn Public Library serves the needs of our community, especially during the pandemic.  I have advocated for the Library through many hours of volunteering at community and library events.  If elected again, my top priority will be to oversee the implementation of our new strategic plan, which will be completed in May, 2023.   My knowledge, competence, and experience are assets that help make our Library a valuable and necessary institution where everyone can freely explore information.

Kathy Slovick

Biography: A Glen Ellyn resident for more than 30 years, local realtor Kathy Slovick has always found a way to contribute to the betterment of the community. As a young mom, she was a frequent school volunteer, including creating imaginative school bulletin boards and helping in the classroom, reading with children. Kathy wrote for the local newspapers as a reporter, and her Glen Ellyn Grapevine column ran in the Glen Ellyn News for 10 years. Her civic involvement includes registering voters, and as a member of the Glen Ellyn Kiwanis club, she successfully ran the popular Peanut Day fundraiser two years in a row.

Kathy is a member of the League of Women Voters, National Organization of Realtors, Illinois Association of Realtors, and the Glen Ellyn Historical Society. Her past awards include a Citizens Initiative Award and Kit Phua Voting Rights Award. Currently she is recognized as being a top performer in her field of real estate with Coldwell Banker Realty.

Richard C. Jones

Biography: I have been a resident of Glen Ellyn for over 30 years, where I bought the house, I still live in on Glen Ellyn Pl. I have a BA from Davidson College, a MA from DePaul, and I earned a Ph.D. from U.I.C. in 2005. I’ve been a high school English teacher and department chair for nearly 32 years. I landed in school district Maine Township 207 in 2004, and I’ve worked in that suburban Cook County District as a Department Chair or teacher for almost 19 years. 

My top priority for the Glen Ellyn Public Library is to continue its evolution – there’s a new-ish entrance foyer (with a café), expanded study/collaboration spaces, and a changing physical collection that well-represents the tastes of patrons. There are fewer DVDs and CDs and more graphic novels and lots and lots of shelves of “hot picks” and new titles. Also, the library staff has very smartly added passport application services, which brings a bit of revenue while providing an accessible service. I’d like to assist the library administration to continue adapting (ie. the recent remodel and updates to the collection). Perhaps, we could think of ways to better use the print magazine section?

The citizens of Glen Ellyn should vote for me because I have first-hand experience promoting reading, as I am an English teacher, and I have academic training as well as extensive experience with research and the organization and purpose of libraries in general.

Mary Sue Brown

Biography: This extraordinarily well-run Glen Ellyn Public Library is a Village treasure. As a weekly user, I am a beneficiary of a knowledgeable and welcoming staff. As a trustee, I will work with fellow trustees and Library Administrator to ensure that this great institution continues to thrive.

My experience includes serving as Library Administrator of Woodridge Public Library for 28 years, Head of Adult Services at Elmhurst Public Library for 7 years, and Trustee for the College of DuPage for 12 years 1993 – 2005. I am now finishing my term as co-president of the Wheaton Glen Ellyn American Association of University Women (AAUW).